
The Italian city most full of life

Palermo: a city once feared for its Mafia activity, now revitalised as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy. There are few cities even in a country as rich as ours which can boast such a colourful old town, such greenery and so much sun – even in winter. At Palermo Blu our team loves nothing more than helping you discover all these wonders during your holiday here:

Fashion from Filly Biz at a market in Palermo

Discovering Palermo

Palermo is a city made for true explorers, ready to experience the city in all its varied facets. It’s an easy city to immerse yourself in, and a hard one to say goodbye to – trust us, we never managed to! At Palermo Blu we can’t wait to help you discover sides of Palermo that can go overlooked, but which in reality contain the soul of the city. Huge thanks go to our good friends at the Filly Biz team for their wonderful photos.

An Invitation

Dear friends of Sicily, we invite you to join the Facebook group “Trip Tipp Sicily”. Find answers to all your questions and discover exclusive tips for your trip to Sicily from those who have already made the journey and those who already know the island from the inside out.

Sign up now ⇒

Palermo in Winter

Palermo in Winter

The composer Richard Wagner spent the winter of 1881/82 here in Palermo and wrote: “We are here to have no winter: here there is only summer and spring”. Why not follow his illustrious example and escape winter in beautiful Palermo?

The Essence of Sicily

Palermo, and Sicily at large, are so much more than the clichés of Mafia, fashion and devotion to the Madonna. This beautiful video introduces the long history of the sun-bathed island we love and call home. We at Palermo Blu thank the team of film-makers for this outstanding work and congratulate them on their success:

Video 'The Essence of Sicily'
Today Palermo is the Italian city with the lowest crime rate

Staying Safe

Palermo’s battle against the Mafia began in earnest over 50 years ago. It was hard and led many tragic casualties, but they did not make their sacrifices in vain. Today Palermo is the Italian city with the lowest crime rate. Special thanks for the photo shoot to our good friends on the Filly Biz team.

Palermo at ease

Palermo Blu

Palermo Blu is here to help you organise a dream holiday in Palermo – the open, welcoming and above all safe city we are proud to call home. The historic old town in particular awaits you with its wonderful fusion of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern style, borne of a long and storied history.

Our apartments are all found at the very heart of historic Palermo. Palermo Blu accommodation is the perfect base for exploring Palermo on foot. And we offer a wide choice: from good quality affordable accommodation to the most refined luxury.

Want to discover more about the city? Perhaps find some of its most emblematic restaurants, or track down the attractions that ignite your imagination? You can find all these and much more in our collection of maps.

Do you have any questions about apartments? Please feel free to contact us at any time:

  • Tel.: +39 091 956 608
  • Email:
  • Palermo Blu
    Via Pignatelli Aragona n. 7
    90141 Palermo

Our special thanks for the video on the left go to our good friends on the Filly Biz team.

Get your bearings

Want to know exactly where the accommodation is located, and the quickest way to reach it from the airport? Planning to explore the old town? We have the perfect map for all your navigational needs!

Perhaps you’re fascinated by fashion, aching for activities or concerned with cuisine? We have the best local tips to share:

Up for the challenge of discovering every last corner of Palermo? No guide to show you around? You’re in safe local hands:

Looking to venture outside Palermo by bus or train? Check out this site for recommended destinations! Then these maps will help you make your way there on public transport:

  • Excursions by Bus and Train
    (Feeling fearless? Visit the Villa of Monsters. Culture vulture? Discover the island’s Greek theatres. Cinema Buff? Get on the trail of The Godfather)

Coming to Palermo on a cruise? Want to discover the city independently? Just follow this map: